Dear friends, the Foundation «Serdce» continues to fundraise for Alexey for the drug Rapamun, which the boy needs to take for at least one year. The packaging of medicaments is designed for one month, but its cost is too high…
Assistance was provided as a drug RAPAMUN worth 50,000 rubles.

1. Alexey Maksimovich Koshevarov (born on 09.12.2009), was diagnosed with myeloid leukemia in September 2015. After bone marrow transplantation, graft-versus-host disease began, which led to GVHD of the 4th degree skin.

Since April, Rapamun has risen in price a lot and mow its cost is 70,000 rubles.

We sincerely hope that with your help the Foundation will be able to provide the boy with a VITALLY NECESSARY medicament for next few months.

We sincerely thank everyone who helps us to help.