I am a mother of two special children (disabled); I bring them up alone, since dad died a year ago. The youngest son is Egor Maksimovich Koshevarov. Born on November 28, 2015. Premature, seven-month. Weight 1,900 kg.

At the age of about two years, Egor was diagnosed with a diplegic form of cerebral palsy, given a disability. He underwent surgery on his legs, stretching of the Achilles tendon. He spent a month in a cast, and then he learned to walk again at the age of three.
I became pregnant with Egor in May 2015, and my eldest son, Koshevarov Alexey Maksimovich (he was born on December 9, 2009), in September of the same year, was diagnosed with myeloid leukemia. The chances were 50/50. From that day hell began!
Every day we fought for the life of our child, every day injections, analysis, "chemo". There were terrible moments, side effects after chemotherapy. Against the background of low tests, gastrointestinal bleeding occurred, respiratory arrest, and the elevated temperature lasted for six months due to a fungus in the liver and lungs, irradiation was performed.
Due to constant stress, Egor was born premature. When I was pregnant, Alexey snuggled up to my stomach and said that his brother was treating him. Egor also had apnea (respiratory arrest, and internal bleeding), and a lot of things.
And all of a sudden, everything seemed to be fine. Alexey was in remission for three years, but there was a relapse.
It was decided to go to the Russian Federation for treatment, as we do not perform bone marrow transplantation. Since December 2018, we had been treated in St. Petersburg, at the Almazov clinic. High-dose and anti-relapse chemotherapy was used, bone marrow transplantation was performed. I became the donor, matched 100%. I consider this a real miracle, since parents do not fit in more than 60% of cases.
Surprisingly, everything went well after the bone marrow transplant.
However, a month passed and GVHD began, which led to GVHD of 4th degree skin. The treatment started again, he drank the hormonal drug "Sandimmun", which led to a malfunction of the kidneys.
The doctors decided to replace "Sandimmun" with "Rapamun". Rituximab was also dripped.
Currently, we go to the photopheresis procedure every month. Thank God that it helps, although the procedure is expensive and appeared in Russia recently.
Now my son is still taking "Methotrexate" dry chemo, we need to monitor the analysis. Soon we will be back to the hospital; we are taking tests for COVID-19. Recently, in September, we had a new coronavirus, but in a mild form. At least we were lucky with that.
We really need your help!

1) Send a donation from your smartphone:
1. Open the application "Central Republican Bank online". If you do not have it installed, then follow the link https://crb-dnr.ru/for-clients/phis-clients/crb-online , download and register.
2. Open the "Payments" tab.
3. Select "Payment for services".
4. Select "Charity", and in the opened tab «CO "CHARITY FOUNDATION HEART"».
5. Select the recipient. Above we wrote about 5 of our programs.
6. Enter the amount.
7. Click "Next".

2) Send a donation from your computer:
1. Open the link https://my.crb-dnr.ru/ and register if you haven't done this before.
2. Go to the "Payments" tab. It's in the top row, on the right.
3. Click the "Charity" button.
4. Select the "CHARITY FOUNDATION HEART" on the tab that opens.
5. Fill in the payment details. To do this, enter the account number from which the amount will be sent. This is your card number.
6. Choose the recipient, that is, one of the charity programs of "Hearts". Now there are five of them:
a) assistance to Koshevarov Alexey;
b) assistance to children affected by military operations;
c) assistance to children with serious illnesses;
d) assistance to orphanages, boarding schools, social and rehabilitation centers;
e) donations to the "CHARITY FOUNDATION HEART".
7. Enter the amount and click "Next".
8. On the screen that opens, check the correctness of the data and click "Pay".
And then according to the standard procedure. An SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the phone, enter it in the tab that opens.
Thank you for remembering the children who need help!