Mother writes:

"Our family would like to thank charitable organization "Heart" charity foundation".
This foundation was one of the first to help our family in the hour of dire need.
It organized fund-raising charity campaign alongside with social advertising to collect donations for Timur.
Donation boxes were installed by "Heart" charity foundation" throughout GP «RТК» gas stations network. To make fund-raising more convenient and effective the foundation made an agrrement with Central Republican Bank. So now anyone can make money transfer via "CRB-online" e-banking app or any bank terminal within Donetsk People Republic.  
Charitable organization "Heart" charity foundation" has raised 1 741 606 Russian roubles, that amount has been transferred to specially allocated CRB account. 
Our family is immensely grateful to "Heart" charity foundation", its president Miss Inna Sasim, its staff and the philanthropists for their support and help.  
We wish your foundation all the prosperity and success, may the happiness you grant return doubled to you. 
It's impossible to express our gratitude with words. Thanks for all the help, for caring attitude! You helped us out in the darkest hour. For this we say thank you all! Your help is like oxigen for us! And we got it from your big heart!
We wish health, all the good and prosperity, success and peace to you and your familes!".